Childcare Options for the Working Mom

working mom mama childcare daycare mom with baby at computer

When I became pregnant with my first child, I had a complete panic attack about the childcare options available for a working mom.

My organizing services company was only a couple months in the making and I was still working full time in corporate world. The plans was to earn enough clientele to leave my mundane sales job, but at the time my spouse and I were dependent on the dual income. Adding to the reasons I wanted to leave cubicle life, they offered zero paid time off for mamas who just gave birth. I was horrified watching a sweet woman in accounting leave her 4 week old at home to return to work because she also relied on her income. Let’s be honest, that poor woman was still bleeding in hospital pads doing accounting for a company that would rather pay $18 million plus for a private golf course.

Cue the green vomit emoji.

Although, this blog isn’t a soapbox about the issues I have with America’s maternity support stance (I’ll save that for another day) but a more practical article I wish I had read when I was pregnant and confused.

First things first mama, BREATHE. No matter your situation, you WILL figure it out. None of it will be easy (spoiler alert) but there are options available to you and I’ll do my best to break them down in a digestible fashion.

black mom holding child childcare credit daycare

Mama, you got this.

And by ‘got this’ I mean it’s gonna be a wild f*cking ride that you will want to quit several times but you can’t because you gave birth to your boss and are confused why Instagram makes it look so flipping easy yet ultimately would do anything for this tiny human that you love so much, starting with figuring this sh*t out.

If you take nothing else from this article, take this: your income, mama, should not be the only basis for determining the budget for childcare. I had the misconception that I needed to earn more than the total cost of childcare, even though I was married. This concept that “well if I only make $10K this year but childcare costs $9500 then what’s the point?” was WRONG. The childcare budget should be determined based on the total parent income - just like we would do if purchasing a home. You may not be able to afford your mortgage solo yet you purchase a home that fits the family budget. So why are we acting like ONE person’s job should offset the TOTAL expense?? This mindset allowed me the confidence to leave my ‘normal office job’ and go full time with my own small business even though I was barely making a few hundred a month. Luckily, as the baby grew, so did my business.

  • Grandparents are the Dealer’s Choice in the world of childcare. Immediately I will tell you this wasn’t an option of mine and it’s hard not to envy those who have it available. What better person to trust with your offspring than one of the adults that made you so awesome?! If you live close enough to a retired grandparent who is willing to step in (even if only temporarily) then you would be crazy not to accept! You can decide how to compensate for their time caring for your new bundle (and if they refuse, that person is a saint). Be sure to set hours and expectations just like a regular nanny. Also keep in mind they will be less willing for date nights on the weekends, best to give them breaks so they don’t burnout.

  • A Nanny if in your budget is also a great option. No, I’m not referring to Fran Drescher in the 90’s sitcom (although she does seem fun). This is a full-time in charge of the baby captain that comes to your home Monday through Friday. There are several ways to seek out candidates such as College Nannies + Sitters and Having someone come to your home and takeover the responsibility might be the perfect choice. Yet it also may not work if you work from home. It can be tough not to hover or step in and stay focused on your job. Be honest with yourself if this is the best option for you.

  • Part-Time Sitter is where I started in my childcare journey. This was a best fit with my client based job when I wasn’t working a regular schedule. One week might be one booking while the next was 3 days in a row and this allowed me the most flexibility. Consistency may be hard though because you will have to have a couple sitters to reach out to when care is needed.

Keep in mind the 3 options above rely on one human being. If that human is sick or has car trouble, that may throw a snag in your day. Be honest with your boss or your client when issues arise, some won’t GAF and some will be understanding. Always remember, you’re doing the best you can for what is in your control.

  • ‘Mother’s Day Out’ or MDO is a day program generally hosted in churches. You are not required to be the same religion or a member of the church for your child to attend. While specific religious doctrine isn’t taught there’s definitely prayer time at meal times and songs about how Jesus loves you (which for me was a plus). These programs usually run 9 AM -2:30 PM available every weekday and with options for only Tues/Thurs or only M/W/F which are most popular. Also keep in mind these programs usually only begin at 18 months plus and sometimes even 3 years or when your child is potty trained.

mama making lunch mom and child in kitchen childcare daycare MDO options
  • Daycares are licensed by each state and have to adhere to more specific regulations than an MDO. They can be at a facility or run in someone’s home but either way have to be licensed. You can find more info at and search by state. This is great for two working parents and generally offer extended hours like 7 AM - 6 PM to work around those who commute to full-time jobs. Daycares can care for as young as 6 weeks until the child is ready to go to school.

  • Preschool is a curriculum based program that generally follows primary school hours. Similar to an MDO structure but starting at 3 or 4 years of age and focusing more on learning and skills (like how to use scissors!) These are usually weekday programs running Monday through Friday. There is also Pre-K or Pre-Kindergarten which is very similar. Some of these programs are even available at your local public school but there are requirements for your child to attend. If you live in Houston, Texas, you can check out more here.

Remember mamas, there is no RIGHT or WRONG option! Mothers really do know best so trust your gut. Here’s the other good news: you can change your mind AT ANY TIME. If one option isn’t working, move to another. Maybe you need help for more hours or maybe you want to be home more. You have the power to change your situation when it doesn’t work for you and your family. Don’t forget that!

You can also check out more information on the child tax care credit here.

All the best sweet mama!

Cheers mi amiga,


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